“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flower explodes and every sunset is different”- John Steihbook
Yes, month of June is not just a month but we can also say that its the gateway to summer. The month can also be associated with greenery as the month of June is commemorate of the most awaiting monsoon in India. Apart from
monsoon the month also has a cultural importance for every Indian. Rath Yatra, The Festival of Chariot is an important Hindu festival that takes place every year in the month of June. Not only in India but the festival is celebrated
throughout the world. Most largest celebration takes place in Puri, India. The celebration takes place and the Jagannath Temple in Puri.
This month’s edition also spreads awareness about the largest and most comprehensive non-governmental organisation of the Mizo people. ‘Young Mizo Association’ or YMA was established on 15 June 1935, it was initiated by Walah Christian missionaries who understood the need of cultural conversation of Mizo Tribe.
The June edition of gulmahar chronicles brings to you various interesting facts of about the month of June this edition will take you on a journey of various interesting activities and will also act as a knowledge enhancer Hope that you
like the edition.