Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce S words in the Bible: [ Sabaoth] * [ (Almighty, Armies / armies, Hosts / hosts, sabaoth in many Bibles) - ("armies" in NW) - James 5:4 AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (g4519) - sa-BAY-oth, also SAB-ay-oth] * [ sabbath - sabbath - Exodus 16:23 (h7676) - SAB-uhth] * [ Sabeans - Sabe'ans - Job 1:15 (h7614) - suh-BEE-uhnz, sa-BEE-uhnz] * [ sacerdotal* - - w94 2/1 11 - sas'uhr-DOH-tuhl, sak'uhr-] * [ sacrilege] * [ (plunder their temples, rob temples, robbing temples in some Bibles) - ("rob temples" in NW) - Romans 2:22 KJ (g2416); w02 6/15 19; - SAK-ruh-lij] * [ sacristan* - - w96 10/15 27 - SAK-ruh-stuhn] * [ sacristy* - - g79 4/22 29 - SAK-rih-stee] * [ Sadducees - Sadducees, it Sad'ducees - Matthew 16:6 (g4523) - SAD-joo-seez, SAD-dyoo-seez] * [ saffron - saffron - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h3750) - SAF-ruhn] * [ Sakkuth - Sak'kuth - Amos 5:26 (h5522) - SAK-uhth] * [ Salamis - Sal'amis - Acts 13:5 (g4529) - SAL-uh-mis] * [ saliva] * [ (spit, spittle in some Bibles) - saliva - 1 Samuel 21:13 - suh-LI -vuh, not suh-LAH-vuh] * [ Salmon - Sal'mon - Ruth 4:20 (h8009) - SAL-muhn] * [ Salome - Salo'me - Mark 15:40 (g4539) - suh-LOH-mee] * [ Samaria - Samar'ia - Ezra 4:10 (h8115) - suh-MAIR-ee-uh] * [ Samaritan - Samar'itan - Luke 10:33 (g4541) - suh-MAIR-uh-tuhn] * [ samekh, also samech] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Sa'mekh - Psalm 119:12 (verse heading) - SAH-mek(') (listen), -muhkh, -mekh] * [ Samos - Sa'mos - Acts 20:15 (g4544) - SAY-mos('), mahs('), -mohs] * [ Samothrace] * [ (Samothracia in some Bibles) - Sam'othrace - Acts 16:11 (g4543) - SAM-uh-thrays('), SAM-oh-thrays'] * [ Samson - Samson, it Sam'son - Judges 14:1 (h8123) - SAM-suhn] * [ Samuel - Samuel (Bible books), it Sam'uel - 1 Samuel 1:20 (h8050) - SAM-yoo-uhl] * [ Sanballat - Sanbal'lat - Nehemiah 2:10 (h2772) - san-BAL-at] * [ sanctification] * [ (clean life, holiness, holy life/lives, separation in some Bibles) - sanctification - Hebrews 12:14 (g38) - sang(k)'tuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ sanctuary - sanctuary - Daniel 11:31 (h4720) - SANG(K)-chuh-wer'ee, SANGK-choo-er'ee] * [ Sanhedrin - San'hedrin - Matthew 26:59 (g4892) - SAN-heh-drihn, SAN-ih-drihn, SA-nuh-druhn some sources san-HED-rin, sahn-, san-HEE-druhn, Gr. That's one way I think this audio Bible pronunciation site can be good for you. Marian Kunze. Heb. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Z words in the Bible: [ Zaanan - Za'anan - Micah 1:11 (h6630) - ZAY-uh-nan'] * [ Zaanannim - Zaanan'nim - Joshua 19:33 (h6815) - zay-uh-NA-nim, zah'uh-NAN-nuhm] * [ Zabdi - Zab'di - Joshua 7:1 (h2067) - ZAB-di, not ZAB-dee] * [ Zacchaeus - Zacchae'us - Luke 19:2 (g2195) - za-KEE-uhs, not -KAY-] * [ Zachariah - ("Zechariah" in NW) - 2 Kings 14:29 Kj (h2148) - zak'uh-RI -uh] * [ Zadok - Za'dok - 2 Samuel 15:24 (h6659) - ZAY-dok] * [ Zagros*] * [ (Mountains) - - it "Persia, Persians" - ZAG-ruhs, ZA-grohs] * [ Zalmunna - Zalmun'na - Judges 8:5 - zal-MUHN-uh] * [ Zaphenath-paneah] * [ (aka Joseph)] * [ (Zaphnath-paaneah in some Bibles) - Zaph'enath-pane'ah - Genesis 41:45 (h6847) - zaf'uh-nath-puh-NEE-uh] * [ Zara - ("Zerah" in NW) - Matthew 1:3 Da, DRB, KJ (g2196) - ZAIR-uh] * [ Zarathustra*] * [ (aka Zoroaster) - - - zar'uh-THOO-struh (listen)] * [ Zarephath - Zar'ephath - 1 Kings 17:9 (h6886) - ZAIR-uh-fath, ZER-uh-fath] * [ Zarethan] * [ (Zaretan in some Bibles) - Zar'ethan - Joshua 3:16 (h6891) - ZAIR-uh-than, ZER-uh-than] * [ zayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Za'yin - Psalm 119:49 (verse heading) - ZAH-yin, -yuhn, ZI (-UH)N] * [ zealous - zealous - Joel 2:18 (h7065); Titus 2:14 (g2207) - ZEL-uhs (listen), not ZEL-ee-uhs, not ZEL-yuhs] * [ Zebah - Ze'bah - Judges 8:5 - ZEE-bah, ZEE-buh] * [ Zebedee - Zeb'edee - Matthew 4:21 (g2199) - ZEB-uh-dee, ZEB-ih-dee] * [ Zeboim - Zebo'im - 1 Samuel 13:18 (h6650) - zuh-BOH-im] * [ Zebulun - Zeb'ulun - Genesis 30:20 (h2074) - ZEB-yuh-luhn, ZEB-yoo-luhn] * [ Zechariah - Zechari'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zechariah 1:1 (h2148); Luke 1:5 (g2197) - zek'uh-RI -uh, zek'uh-RI -ah] * [ Zedekiah - Zedeki'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h6667) - zed'uh-KI -uh, zed'uh-KI -ah] * [ Zeeb - Ze'eb - Judges 8:3 - ZEE-uhb] * [ Zelophehad - Zelo'phehad - Numbers 26:33 (h6765) - zuh-LOH-fuh-had, not -LAH-] * [ Zenas - Ze'nas - Titus 3:13 (g2211) - ZEE-nuhs] * [ Zenobia* - - dp 252 - zuh-NOH-bee-uh, zih-] * [ Zephaniah - Zephani'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zephaniah 1:1 (6846) - zef'uh-NI -uh, zef'uh-NI -ah] * [ Zerah] * [ (Zara in some Bibles) - Ze'rah - 2 Chronicles 14:9 (h2226); Matthew 1:3 (g2196) - ZEE-rah, ZIHR-uh] * [ Zereth-shahar - Ze'reth-sha'har - Joshua 13:19 (h6890) - zee'rith-SHAY-hahr] * [ Zerubbabel - Zerub'babel - Zechariah 4:6 (h2216) - zee-RUB-uh-buhl, zuh-RUHB-uh-buhl] * [ Zeruiah - Zeru'iah - 2 Samuel 2:18 (h6870) - zuh-ROO-yuh, zuh-ROO-i -ah] * [ zeugma* - - Exodus 20:18 ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce L words in the Bible: [ Laban - La'ban - Genesis 24:29 (h3837) - LAY-buhn, LAY-ban] * [ labdanum] * [ (variant ladanum)] * [ (gum, resin, spicery, spices, tragacanth in some Bibles) - labdanum, it lab'danum - Genesis 37:25 (h5219) - LAB-duh-nuhm (listen), variant LAD-nuhm, LA-duhn-uhm, LAD-n-uhm (listen)] * [ Lachish - La'chish - 2 Chronicles 25:27 (h3923) - LAY-kish] * [ Laconia* - - - luh-KOH-nee-uh, -KOH-nyuh] * [ lacuna*] * [ (pl. Very few readers are able to acquire that sound and often substitute d. Usually, this substitution does not matter. Book of Jonah, also spelled Jonas, the fifth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, embraced in a single book, The Twelve, in the Hebrew Bible. Heb. Id like an appointment with Dr. Brown. [ Xanthicus* - - Exodus 12:40 ftn. soon-ED-ree-on (listen)] * [ Sanskrit*] * [ (also Sanscrit) - - g82 11/22 22 - SAN-skrit('), SAN(T)-skruht] * [ Sapphira - Sapphi'ra - Acts 5:1 (g4551) - suh-FI -ruh] * [ sapphire - sapphire - Job 28:16 (h5601); Revelation 21:19 (g4552) - SAF-i r'] * [ Saqqara*] * [ (also Sakkara) - - it "Architecture (Early Post-Flood Construction)" - su-KAHR-uh (listen)] * [ Sarah - Sarah, it Sar'ah - Genesis 17:15 (h8283) - SER-uh, SAR-uh, SER-ah, (also SAY-ruh)] * [ Sarai - Sar'ai - Genesis 11:29 (h8297) - SAIR-i, SER-i, (also SAR-ay-i)] * [ sarcophagus*] * [ (pl. if (!document.layers) We dont say want to. That's one reason audio can help. 2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. kuh-TOO-vim; kuh-THOO-vim, Seph. Help other readers develop natural sounding intonation by addressing reductions, which are created when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in words when they speak naturally. ky'rios) - Romans 10:9 ftn. Many translated example sentences containing "Tarshish" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. pageTracker._trackPageview(); pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop; To help them learn how to say and to draw out the vowel sound, many teachers have readers hold a heavy rubber band and stretch the band open as they say the word. ment, ment, ment. - ay'dree-AT-ik, ad'ree-AT-ik] * [ Adullam - Adul'lam - 1 Samuel 22:1 (h5725) - uh-DUHL-uhm] * [ adultery - adultery - Exodus 20:14 (h5003) - uh-DUHL-tuh-ree, -DUHL-tree] * [ aedile* - - it "Erastus" - EE-duhl, EE-di l'] * [ Aegean* - - dp 149; it "Greece, Greeks" - ih-JEE-uhn, ee-, not ay'JEE-uhn] * [ Aeneas] * [ (spelled Eneas in some Bibles) - Aene'as - Acts 9:33 (g132) - uh-NEE-uhs, ih-] * [ Aenon - Ae'non - John 3:23 (g137) - EE-nuhn, EE-non] * [ aeon*] * [ (also eon) - - g77 11/22 27 - EE-uhn, EE-ahn'] * [ Aesculapius*] * [ (also Asclepius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - es'kyuh-LAY-pee-uhs (listen), Brit. Learn how to pronounce Bible names quickly and easily. Brit. SEE-mih-] * [ Seneca* - - w95 10/1 32 - SEN-ih-kuh] * [ Sennacherib - Sennach'erib - 2 King 18:13 (h5576) - suh-NAK-uh-rib, -ruhb] * [ Sepharad - Sephar'ad - Obadiah 20 (h5614) - suh-FAR-ad, suh-FAHR-ad (some sources SEF-uh-rad, suh-FAY-rad)] * [ Sephardi* - - - suh-FAHR-dee] * [ Sephardic* - - sh 216 - suh-FAHR-dik, not shuh-] * [ Sephardim* - - it "Ashkenaz" - suh-FAHR-duhm] * [ Sepharvaim - Sepharva'im - Isaiah 36:19 (h5617) - sef'uhr-VAY-im, sef-ahr-VAY-im] * [ Sepharvites - Se'pharvites - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5617) - SEE-fahr-vi ts, SEF-uhr-vi ts] * [ Sepphoris* - - it "Nazareth" - SEF-uh-ris] * [ Septuagint* - - it "Versions" - SEP-too-uh-jint', -tyoo-, SEP-choo-jint'] * [ sepulcher or sepulchre] * [ (burying[-]place, grave, monument, resting place, tomb in some Bibles) - ("burial place" in Genesis 23:6 NW; "tomb" in Acts 2:29 NW) - Genesis 23:6 KJ (h6913); Acts 2:29 KJ (g3418) - SEP-uhl-kuhr] * [ Seraiah - Serai'ah - Jeremiah 51:61 (h8304) - see-RI -uh, seh-RI -uh, suh-RI -uh] * [ seraph] * [ (pl. Bible words can be extremely difficult to pronounce, so it helps us to hear them spoken correctly by audio. par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - ; Par'thians - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'ara - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - - Daniel 9:2 ftn. Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, )and of course audio). try { You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. "tree") - - 1 Peter 2:24 ftn. (g2962) - KOO-ree-os ] *. VAHV, VAWV (listen)] * [ whelp - ("cub" in NW) - Nahum 2:11 AS, Da, KJ, Yg (h1482) - HWELP, WELP] * [ whore] * [ (harlot, evil woman, prostitute in some Bibles) - ("harlot" in NW) - Deuteronomy 23:18 KJ (h2181); Revelation 17:1 KJ, Yg (g4204) - HOHR, HAWR, HUR, often HOOR] * [ whoremonger - ("fornicator" in NW) - Ephesians 5:5 KJ (g4205) - HOHR-muhng'guhr, HAWR-, HUR-, -mahng'-, -mong'-, often HOOR-] * [ wilily] * [ (slyly, with deceit, with subtilty in some Bibles) - ("with shrewdness" in NW) - Joshua 9:4 AS, KJ (h6195) - WI -luh-lee] * [ womb - womb - Genesis 30:22 (h7358) - WOOM [silent "b"]] * [ worldly - worldly - Titus 2:12 (g2886) - WUHR(-uh)LD-lee, also WUHRL-lee] * [ wot {verb "know"} - ("know"; "make known" in NW) - Acts 7:40 KJ (g1492); Philippians 1:22 KJ (g1107) - WAHT] * [ wrestling - wrestling - Ephesians 6:12 (g3823) - RES-ling, not RAS-(uh-)ling] * [ writhe] * [ (paineth, shakes, shaketh, shaking, tremble in some Bibles) - writhe - Psalm 29:8 (h2342) - RI TH] * [ wroth - - Genesis 4:5 KJ (h2734); Psalm 78:59 KJ (h5674); Jeremiah 37:15 KJ (h7107); Revelation 12:17 KJ (g3710) - RAWTH, ROTH, esp. or "How do I pronounce?" Do you mispronounce Bible names and words often because you just can't remember the correct Bible pronunciation? pronounce joppa in the bible acacia park crematory November 9, 2022. SFIN-jees (listen)] * [ spikenard] * [ (also nard) - spikenard - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h5373) - SPI K-nahrd(') (listen), -nuhrd] * [ spurious* - - w97 6/15 6 - SPYUR-ee-uhs] * [ Stachys - Sta'chys - Romans 16:9 (g4720) - STAY-kis, STAY-kuhs] * [ stacte - stacte - Exodus 30:34 (h5198) - STAK-tee] * [ stela*] * [ (pl. muh-tsah-DAH] * [ maskil - Maskil, it Mas'kil - Psalm 32 superscription (h4905) - MAS-kil, MAHS-keel] * [ Masorah*] * [ (also Masora) - - it "Scribe" - muh-SAW-uh, -SOR-, -SOH-] * [ Masorete* - - it "Scribe" - MAS-uh-reet] * [ Masoretic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - mas'uh-RET-ik] * [ Mattaniah - Mattani'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h4983) - mat'uh-NI -uh] * [ Mattathias - Mattathi'as - Luke 3:25, 26 (g3161) - ma'tuh-THI -uhs, mat'uh-] * [ Matthat - Mat'that - Luke 3:24 (g3158) - MAT-that, MATH-at] * [ Matthew - Matthew (Bible book), it Mat'thew - Matthew 9:9 (g3156) - MA-thyoo('), also -thoo(')] * [ Matthias - Matthi'as - Acts 1:23 (g3159) - muh-THI -uhs] * [ Maundy*] * [ (Maundy Thursday) - - w76 2/1 72 - MAWN-dee, MAHN-] * [ Mazzaroth] * [ (constellations, Big Dipper in some Bibles) - Maz'zaroth - Job 38:32 (h4216) - MAZ-uh-roth, MAZ-uh-ruth] * [ Mede] * [ (Median in KJ) - Mede - Daniel 5:31, or 6:1 in some Bibles (h4077) - MEED] * [ Media - Me'dia - Ezra 6:2 (h4076) - MEE-dee-uh] * [ Median - ("Mede" in NW) - Daniel 5:31 KJ (h4077) - MEE-dee-uhn] * [ Mediterranean* - - it "Great Sea" - med'ih-tuh-RAY-nee-uhn] * [ Megiddo - Megid'do - Judges 5:19 (h4023) - mih-GID-oh] * [ Megillah*; Megilloth* - - it "Synagogue"; it "Hebrew Scriptures" - mih-GIL-uh; mih-GIL-oth] * [ Mehetabel] * [ (Mehetabeel, Metabeel in some Bibles) - Mehet'abel - Nehemiah 6:10 (h4105) - muh-HET-uh-bel, mih-, mee-] * [ Melchior* - - w88 12/15 28 - MEL-kee-or('), MEL-kyawr] * [ Melchizedek - Melchiz'edek - Genesis 14:18 (h4442) - mel-KIZ-uh-dek] * [ Melech] * [ (king in some Bibles) - Mel'ech - Isaiah 57:9 (h4428) - MEL-ik] * [ mem] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Mem - Psalm 119:97 (verse heading) - MEM (listen), also MAYM] * [ Memphis] * [ (aka Noph; Moph in a few Bibles) - Mem'phis - Hosea 9:6 (h4644) - MEM-fis] * [ Menahem - Men'ahem - 2 Kings 15:14 (h4505) - MEN-uh-hem] * [ Menander* - - it "Ahab" - muh-NAN-duhr] * [ mendicant*] * [ (often capitalized) - - w92 12/1 27 - MEN-dih-kuhnt] * [ Menelaus* - - w98 11/15 22 - men'uh-LAY-uhs] * [ Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin] * [ (Parsin as Divided, divisions, HALF MINAS, peres, phares, Upharsin in some Bibles) - ME'NE, ME'NE, TE'KEL and PAR'SIN - Daniel 5:25 (h4484 + h8625 + h6537) - MEE-nee, TEE-kuhl, TEE-kel, PAHR-sin (yoo-FAHR-sin in some Bibles)] * [ Menorah - ("lampstand" in NW) - Exodus 25:31 HNV (h4501); Hebrews 9:2 HNV (g3087) - muh-NOR-uh (listen), -NOHR-] * [ menstrual [impurity]] * [ (impurity, monthly period, period, separation in some Bibles) - menstrual - Leviticus 15:19 (h5079) - MEN(T)-stroo-uhl, -struhl] * [ menstruation] * [ (custom [manner, way] of women, monthly periods in some Bibles) - menstruation - Genesis 18:11 - men(t)'stroo-(W)AY-shuhn, men-STRAY-shuhn] * [ Mephibosheth - Mephib'osheth - 2 Samuel 4:4 (h4648) - mih-FIB-oh-sheth, muh-FIB-uh-sheth'] * [ Merab - Me'rab - 1 Samuel 14:49 (h4764) - MEE-rab] * [ Merari - Merar'i - Genesis 46:11 (h4847) - mih-RAHR-i i muh-RAIR-i not -ee] * [ Merathaim - Meratha'im - Jeremiah 50:21 (h4850) - mer'uh-THAY-im] * [ Mered - Me'red - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h4778) - MEE-rid, MEE-red] * [ Meribah - Mer'ibah - Exodus 17:7 (h4809) - MER-ih-bah] * [ Merneptah* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - MUHR-nep-tah'] * [ Merodach] * [ (aka Marduk) - Mer'odach - Jeremiah 50:2 (h4781) - MER-oh-dak, -uh-dahk'] * [ Merodach-baladan - Mer'odach-bal'adan - Isaiah 39:1 (h4757) - MER-oh-dak-BAL-uh-dan] * [ Mesha - Me'sha - 2 Kings 3:4 (h4338) - MEE-shuh, not MESH-uh] * [ Meshach - Me'shach - Daniel 1:7 (h4335) - MEE-shak] * [ Meshech - Me'shech - Ezekiel 27:13 (h4902) - MEE-shek] * [ Mesopotamia] * [ (Aram-naharaim in some Bibles) - Mesopota'mia - Genesis 24:10 (h763) - mes'uh-puh-TAY-mee-uh, mes'oh-puh-TAY-mee-uh] * [ Messiah - Messi'ah - Daniel 9:25 (h4899) - muh-SI -uh] * [ Messianic* - - it "Kingdom of God" - mes'ee-AN-ik] * [ messianism* - - sh 218 - MEH-see-uh-nih'zuhm, muh-SI -uh-] * [ metaphor*] * [ (compare simile) - - w84 6/1 18 - MET-uh-for', -fuhr] * [ metaphysical* - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - met'uh-FIZ-ih-kuhl] * [ meteyard] * [ (length, measure[s] of length in some Bibles) - ("measuring" in NW) - Leviticus 19:35 KJ (h4060) - mee-TYAHRD, MEET-yahrd] * [ Metheg-ammah - Meth'eg-am'mah - 2 Samuel 8:1 (h4965) - meth'ig-AM-muh, mee'thig-AM-uh] * [ Methuselah - Methu'selah - Genesis 5:21 (h4968) - mih-THOO-suh-luh, muh-THOO-zuh-luh, -THOOZ-luh] * [ Metonic* - - it "Calendar (Hebrew Calendar)" - mih-TON-ik] * [ metonymy* - - it "Baal" - muh-TAH-nuh-mee] * [ mezuzah* - it mezu'zah - it "Mezuzah" - muh-ZOOZ-uh, meh-ZUZ-ah] * [ Micah - Mi'cah (Bible book) - Micah 1:1 (h4318) - MI -cuh] * [ Micaiah - Micai'ah - 1 Kings 22:8 (h4321) - mi 'KI -uh, mih-KI -uh] * [ Michael - Mi'chael - Daniel 10:13 (h4317) - MI -kay-uhl, commonly MI -kuhl] * [ Michal - Mi'chal - 1 Samuel 14:49 (h4324) - MI -kuhl] * [ Micheas - ("Micah" in NW) - Micah 1:1 DRB (h4318) - mi -KEE-uhs, MIK-ee-uhs] * [ Michmash - Mich'mash - 1 Samuel 13:2 (h4363) - MIK-mash] * [ Michri - Mich'ri - 1 Chronicles 9:8 (h4381) - MIK-ri] * [ Midian; Midianite - Mid'ian; Mid'ianite - Numbers 25:15 (h4080; h4084) - MID-ee-uhn; MID-ee-uh-ni t'] * [ Midianitish - ("Midianite" in NW) - Numbers 25:6 AS, KJ (h4084) - MID-ee-uh-ni t-ish] * [ midrash*] * [ (pl. (g3586)] *. Easton's Bible Dictionary - Caesarea. Numerous temples were built in this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Qohe'leth ("congregator" in NW) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. Id like an appointment with Dr. Brown. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce J words in the Bible: [ Jabal - Ja'bal - Genesis 4:20 (h2989) - JAY-buhl, JAY-bal] * [ Jabbok - Jab'bok - Genesis 32:22 (h2999) - JAB-uhk] * [ Jabesh - Ja'besh - 1 Samuel 31:12 (h3003) - JAY-bish, JAY-besh] * [ Jabesh-gilead - Ja'bish-gil'ead - 2 Samuel 2:4 (h3003 + H1568) - jay'besh-GIL-ee-uhd, jay'bish-] * [ Jabin - Ja'bin - Judges 4:17 (h2985) - JAY-bin] * [ jacinth - ("hyacinth-blue" or "hyacinth" in NW) - Revelation 9:17; 21:20 KJ (g5191) - JAY-sinth, JAY-suhn(t)th, JA-] * [ Jacob - Jacob, it Ja'cob - Genesis 25:26 (h3290) - JAY-kuhb] * [ Jael - Ja'el - Judges 4:17 (h3278) - JAY-uhl] * [ Jah] * [ (LORD, Lord, Jehovah in some Bibles)] * [ (compare Yah) - Jah - Exodus 15:2 (h3050) - JAH, Heb. Biblical Names In Order of Frequency Highest To Lowest, Zechariah, Shemaiah, Azariah, Meshullam, Shimei, Maaseiah, Hananiah, Joel, Jonathan, Joseph, Shallum, Malchiah, Obadiah, Benaiah, Hashabiah, Johanan, Eliezer, Zichri, Jehiel, Jeiel, Jeshua, Jozabad, Mattaniah, Michael, Nethanel, Seraiah, Shephatiah, Zadok, Amariah, Elam, Eliel, Maachah, Shecaniah, Simon, Zebadiah, Abijah, Adaiah, Bani, Elkanah, Hilkiah, Pharaoh, Shelemiah, Zaccur, Ahijah, Eleazar, Eliashib, Hanan, Jeremiah, Jerimoth, Jeroham, Joash, Micah, Pedaiah, Sheba, Uzzi, Zabad, Zerah, Elah, Eliab, Elioenai, Eliphelet, Elishama, Ezer, Hanani, Harim, Hur, Iddo, Ishmael, Jehohanan, Jeshaiah, Judah, Judas, Malluch, Mary, Nathan, Zedekiah, Abihail, Abimelech, Ammihud, Asaiah, Asaph, Azarel, Berechiah, Delaiah, Eliakim, Elihu, Elnathan, Gedaliah, Gera, Hattush, Heber, Immer, Isaiah, Jahath, Jahaziel, Jedaiah, Jehoiada, Jehu, Jeremoth, Jether, Jeush, Jobab, John, Kish, Manasseh, Mattithiah, Micaiah, Obed, Rehum, Saul, Shaphat, Shebaniah, Uriah, Uzziah, Uzziel, Zimri, Abdon, Akkub, Alexander, Amasai, Amaziah, Ammiel, Amminadab, Amon, Asahel, Azmaveth, Azrikam, Baanah, Benjamin, Beriah, Binnui, Eber, Eden, Elasah, Elijah, Enoch, Ethan, Gaius, Hadad, Hasshub, Herod, Hezekiah, Hodaviah, Hoshea, Ishi, Isshiah, Jaazaniah, Jair, James, Jediael, Jehoshaphat, Joah, Joiarib, Joshua, Kenaz, Korah, Levi, Meremoth, Mijamin, Naaman, Nadab, Nethaniah, Omri, Pelatiah, Pethahiah, Rephaiah, Reuel, Shammah, Shammua, Shaphan, Shelomith, Shelomoth, Shema, Shemariah, Sherebiah, Shimri, Simeon, Timna, Uzza, Zabdi, Zephaniah, Abdi, Abinadab, Adiel, Adin, Adonijah, Ahimelech, Ahio, Ahitub, Alemeth, Anah, Ananias, Arah, Aram, Assir, Ater, Athaliah, Attai, Azaziah, Azgad, Azriel, Azzur, Baal, Barzillai, Bebai, Bela, Benhadad, Bethel, Bunni, Caleb, Carmi, Daniel, Darius, Eliada, Elon, Ephah, Epher, Er, Ezra, Gershom, Gilead, Hadoram, Hanun, Haran, Hepher, Hodiah, Igal, Ira, Jachin, Jamin, Jarib, Jehoahaz, Jehozabad, Jerahmeel, Jeuel, Joab, Joram, Jotham, Justus, Kemuel, Mattenai, Meraioth, Mesha, Meshezabel, Miniamin, Mishael, Nahash, Nahath, Nehemiah, Obededom, Paseah, Pashhur, Philip, Phinehas, Ram, Reaiah, Rechab, Shechem, Shelah, Shimea, Shobal, Shubael, Tahath, Tamar, Tarshish, Uri, Uriel, Uz, Zimmah, Ziza, Abda, Abiel, Abiezer, Abigail, Abiram, Abishua, Absalom, Achbor, Achish, Adah, Adna, Adnah, Adrammelech, Agag, Ahab, Ahasuerus, Ahaz, Ahaziah, Ahi, Ahiah, Ahiezer, Ahimaaz, Ahiman, Ahinoam, Ahlai, Aiah, Alphaeus, Amasa, Amnon, Amram, Amzi, Anaiah, Anathoth, Ard, Ariel, Arioch, Asa, Azubah, Baalhanan, Baana, Barsabas, Baruch, Becher, Bedan, Beeri, Beor, Bethany, Bethlehem, Bethsaida, Bezai, Bezalel, Bigvai, Bilgah, Bilhan, Bukki, Buz, Caesar, Calcol, Carmel, Claudius, Conaniah, Cush, Cushi, Deborah, Dedan, Demetrius, Dishon, Dodo, Ebed, Eder, Ehud, Elhanan, Eliam, Eliasaph, Eliehoenai, Eliphaz, Elizaphan, Elzabad, Ephraim, Erastus, Eshcol, Ezbon, Gad, Galal, Gamaliel, Gemariah, Giddel, Gog, Gomer, Guni, Hakkoz, Hanniel, Hariph, Hashabniah, Hashum, Havilah, Hebron, Heldai, Helez, Heman, Hephzibah, Hermes, Hezir, Hezron, Hiram, Hori, Hoshaiah, Hotham, Imnah, Imri, Ishbosheth, Ishmaiah, Ishvi, Ithiel, Ithran, Ittai, Jabin, Jaddua, Jakim, Japhia, Jashobeam, Jashub, Jehallelel, Jehdeiah, Jehoiarib, Jehonathan, Jehoram, Jekamiah, Jephunneh, Jeroboam, Jesus, Jezrahiah, Joha, Joiada, Jonadab, Joshaphat, Josiah, Kadmiel, Kelub, Kenaanah, Kenaniah, Kolaiah, Kore, Laadan, Lamech, Lazarus, Libni, Lucius, Maaziah, Machir, Mahalalel, Mahalath, Mahath, Mahlah, Mahli, Mattan, Mattathias, Matthat, Mehetabel, Melchi, Mephibosheth, Meshillemoth, Mibsam, Mikloth, Milcah, Miriam, Mishma, Mithredath, Moza, Naamah, Nahor, Nahum, Neariah, Nebo, Nemuel, Nepheg, Ner, Nergalsarezer, Noadiah, Noah, Oded, Oholibamah, Ozem, Palti, Pelaiah, Pelet, Peleth, Penuel, Puah, Rahab, Rehob, Rekem, Rezin, Rimmon, Rufus, Sacar, Sallu, Salome, Samuel, Segub, Shaaph, Sharezer, Shebna, Shemer, Shemiramoth, Sheva, Shobab, Shomer, Shua, Shuah, Shuthelah, Sisera, Tabeel, Tahan, Talmai, Teman, Tikvah, Tobiah, Tobijah, Tola, Ulam, Unni, Uthai, Zabbai, Zabdiel, Zerahiah, Zibeon, Ziha, Zillethai, Ziph, Zohar, Zur, Aaron, Abaddon, Abagtha, Abdeel, Abdiel, Abednego, Abel, Abialbon, Abiasaph, Abiathar, Abida, Abidan, Abihu, Abihud, Abimael, Abinoam, Abishag, Abishai, Abishur, Abital, Abitub, Abiud, Abner, Abraham, Achaicus, Achan, Achim, Achsah, Adalia, Adam, Adbeel, Addar, Addi, Adina, Adino, Adlai, Admatha, Adonibezek, Adonikam, Adoniram, Adonizedek, Adriel, Aeneas, Agabus, Agee, Agrippa, Agur, Aharhel, Ahasbai, Ahban, Aher, Ahiam, Ahian, Ahihud, Ahikam, Ahilud, Ahimoth, Ahinadab, Ahira, Ahisamach, Ahishahar, Ahishar, Ahithophel, Aholiab, Ahumai, Ahuzzam, Ahuzzath, Ahzai, Akan, Alexandria, Allon, Almodad, Alvah, Alvan, Amal, Amalek, Amashai, Amasiah, Amittai, Amminadib, Ammishaddai, Ammizabad, Amok, Amos, Amoz, Ampliatus, Amraphel, Anak, Anammelech, Anan, Anani, Ananiah, Anath, Andrew, Andronicus, Aner, Aniam, Anna, Annas, Antipas, Antothiah, Anub, Apelles, Aphiah, Aphses, Apollos, Apollyon, Apphia, Aquila, Arad, Aran, Araunah, Arba, Archelaus, Archippus, Arcturus, Ardon, Areli, Aretas, Argob, Aridai, Aridatha, Arieh, Arisai, Aristarchus, Aristobulus, Armoni, Arnan, Arodi, Arphaxad, Artaxerxes, Artemas, Artemis, Arza, Asarel, Asarelah, Asenath, Ashbel, Asher, Ashhur, Ashima, Ashkenaz, Ashpenaz, Ashtoreth, Ashvath, Asiel, Asnah, Asnapper, Aspatha, Asriel, Asshur, Asyncritus, Atarah, Athaiah, Athlai, Augustus, Azaliah, Azaniah, Azaz, Azazel, Azbuk, Azel, Aziel, Aziza, Azor, Azzan, Baalberith, Baali, Baalis, Baalpeor, Baalzebub, Baara, Baaseiah, Baasha, Bakbakkar, Bakbuk, Bakbukiah, Balaam, Baladan, Balak, Barabbas, Barak, Barakel, Bariah, Barjesus, Barjona, Barkos, Barnabas, Bartholomew, Bartimaeus, Basemath, Basmath, Bathsheba, Bathshua, Bazluth, Bealiah, Bechorath, Bedad, Bedeiah, Beeliada, Beelzebub, Beera, Beerah, Belial, Belshazzar, Belteshazzar, Benabinadab, Benammi, Bendekar, Bengeber, Benhanan, Benhayil, Benhesed, Benhur, Beninu, Beno, Benob, Benoni, Benzoheth, Bera, Beraiah, Berakah, Bered, Beri, Bernice, Besai, Besodeiah, Beth, Bethuel, Beulah, Bezer, Bichri, Bidkar, Bigtha, Bigthan, Bildad, Bilgai, Bilhah, Bilshan, Bimhal, Binea, Birsha, Birzaith, Bishlam, Bithiah, Biztha, Blastus, Boanerges, Boaz, Bocheru, Bukkiah, Bunah, Buzi, Caiaphas, Cain, Cainan, Canaan, Candace, Carcas, Carpus, Carshena, Castor, Cephas, Cheran, Chilion, Chloe, Christ, Chuza, Cileab, Claudia, Clement, Cleopas, Clopas, Colhozeh, Coniah, Cornelius, Cosam, Coz, Cozbi, Crescens, Crispus, Cushanrishathaim, Cyrus, Dagon, Dalphon, Damaris, Dan, Darda, Darkon, Dathan, David, Debir, Delilah, Demas, Devil, Diana, Diblaim, Dibri, Didymus, Diklah, Dinah, Dionysius, Diotrephes, Dishan, Dodai, Dodavahu, Doeg, Dorcas, Drusilla, Dumah, Ebal, Ebedmelech, Ebenezer, Ebiasaph, Edom, Eglah, Eglon, Ehi, Eker, El, Eladah, Eldaah, Eldad, Elead, Eli, Eliahba, Eliathah, Elidad, Elienai, Elihoreph, Elika, Elimelech, Eliphelehu, Elisha, Elishah, Elishaphat, Elisheba, Elishua, Eliud, Elizabeth, Elizur, Elmadam, Elnaam, Elpaal, Eluzai, Elymas, Enan, Enosh, Epaenetus, Epaphras, Epaphroditus, Ephai, Ephlal, Ephod, Ephrath, Ephron, Eran, Eri, Esarhaddon, Esau, Eshbaal, Eshban, Eshek, Eshtemoa, Eshton, Esli, Esther, Etam, Ethbaal, Ethnan, Ethni, Eubulus, Eunice, Euodia, Eutychus, Eve, Evi, Evilmerodach, Ezbai, Ezekiel, Ezri, Felix, Festus, Fortunatus, Gaal, Gabbai, Gabriel, Gaddi, Gaddiel, Gadi, Gaham, Gahar, Gallio, Gamul, Gareb, Gatam, Gazez, Gazzam, Geber, Gedor, Gehazi, Gemalli, Genubath, Gershon, Geshan, Geshem, Gether, Gethsemane, Geuel, Gibbar, Gibea, Giddalti, Gideon, Gideoni, Gilalai, Ginath, Ginnethon, Gishpa, Goliath, Haahashtari, Habakkuk, Habazziniah, Hacaliah, Hadadezer, Hadassah, Hades, Hadlai, Hagab, Hagabah, Hagar, Haggai, Haggedolim, Haggi, Haggiah, Haggith, Hagri, Hakkatan, Hakupha, Hallohesh, Ham, Haman, Hammedatha, Hammelech, Hammoleketh, Hammuel, Hamor, Hamul, Hamutal, Hanamel, Hannah, Happizzez, Harbona, Hareph, Harhaiah, Harhas, Harhur, Harnepher, Haroeh, Harsha, Harum, Harumaph, Haruz, Hasadiah, Hashabnah, Hashbaddanah, Hashem, Hashenaah, Hashmonah, Hashubah, Hasrah, Hassenuah, Hassophereth, Hasupha, Hathach, Hathath, Hatipha, Hatita, Hattil, Hazael, Hazaiah, Hazarmoth, Hazelelponi, Haziel, Hazo, Hegai, Helah, Heled, Helek, Helem, Heli, Helkai, Helon, Hemam, Hemath, Hemdan, Hen, Henadad, Heresh, Hermas, Hermogenes, Herodias, Herodion, Heth, Hezion, Hezro, Hiddai, Hiel, Hillel, Hirah, Hizki, Hobab, Hobaiah, Hod, Hodesh, Hoglah, Hoham, Hophni, Hophra, Horam, Hosah, Hosea, Hoshama, Hothir, Hubbah, Hul, Huldah, Hupham, Huppah, Huppim, Hurai, Huram, Huri, Hushah, Hushai, Husham, Hushim, Hymenaeus, Ibhar, Ibneiah, Ibri, Ibsam, Ibzan, Ichabod, Idbash, Igdaliah, Ikkesh, Ilai, Imla, Immanuel, Imna, Imrah, Iphedeiah, Ir, Irad, Iram, Iri, Irijah, Irnahash, Iru, Isaac, Iscah, Iscariot, Ishbah, Ishbak, Ishhod, Ishijah, Ishma, Ishmerai, Ishpah, Ishpan, Ishvah, Ismachiah, Israel, Issachar, Ithamar, Ithmah, Ithream, Izhar, Izrahiah, Izri, Izziah, Jaakan, Jaakobah, Jaala, Jaalam, Jaanai, Jaareshiah, Jaasau, Jaasiel, Jaaziah, Jaaziel, Jabal, Jabesh, Jabez, Jachan, Jacob, Jada, Jaddai, Jadon, Jael, Jahdai, Jahdiel, Jahdo, Jahleel, Jahmai, Jahzeel, Jahzeiah, Jahzerah, Jairus, Jakeh, Jalon, Jambres, Jamlech, Jannai, Jannes, Japheth, Jarah, Jareb, Jared, Jarha, Jaroah, Jashar, Jashen, Jashubilehem, Jason, Jathniel, Javan, Jaziz, Jeaterai, Jeberechiah, Jecoliah, Jedidah, Jedidiah, Jeduthun, Jeezer, Jehath, Jehezkel, Jehiah, Jehieli, Jehizkiah, Jehoaddah, Jehoaddin, Jehoash, Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim, Jehosheba, Jehozadak, Jehubbah, Jehucal, Jehudi, Jehudijah, Jekameam, Jekuthiel, Jemimah, Jemuel, Jephthah, Jerah, Jered, Jeremai, Jeriah, Jeribai, Jericho, Jeriel, Jerioth, Jerubbaal, Jerubbesheth, Jerusalem, Jerusha, Jeshebeab, Jesher, Jeshishai, Jeshohaiah, Jesimel, Jesse, Jetheth, Jethro, Jetur, Jeuz, Jezaniah, Jezebel, Jezer, Jeziel, Jezliah, Jezoar, Jezreel, Jibsam, Jidlaph, Joahaz, Joanna, Job, Jochebed, Joda, Joed, Joelah, Joezer, Jogli, Joiakim, Jokim, Jokshan, Joktan, Jonah, Jonam, Jorah, Jorai, Jordan, Jorim, Jorkoam, Josech, Joshah, Joshaviah, Joshbekashah, Joshibiah, Josiphiah, Jozachar, Jubal, Jude, Judith, Julia, Julius, Junia, Jushabhesed, Kallai, Kareah, Kedar, Kedemah, Kedorlaomer, Keilah, Kelaiah, Kelal, Keluhi, Kemosh, Kenan, Kenani, Kerenhappuch, Keros, Kerub, Kesed, Keturah, Keziah, Kimham, Kishi, Kislon, Kohath, Laadah, Laban, Lael, Lahad, Lahmi, Laish, Lappidoth, Leah, Lebanah, Lebbaeus, Lehi, Lemuel, Likhi, Linus, Loammi, Lois, Loruhamah, Lot, Lotan, Lucifer, Lud, Luke, Lydia, Lysanias, Lysias, Maadai, Maadiah, Maai, Maasai, Maath, Maaz, Machbanai, Machbenah, Machi, Madai, Madmannah, Magbish, Magdala, Magdalene, Magdiel, Magog, Magormissabib, Magpiash, Maharai, Mahasham, Mahazioth, Mahershalalhashbaz, Mahlon, Mahol, Maknadebai, Malachi, Malcham, Malchiel, Malchiram, Malchishua, Malchus, Mallothi, Mamre, Manaen, Manahath, Manoah, Maoch, Maon, Mara, Marduk, Mareshah, Mark, Marsena, Martha, Mash, Massa, Matred, Matri, Mattatha, Mattattah, Matthan, Matthew, Matthias, Mebunnai, Medad, Medan, Mehida, Mehir, Mehujael, Mehuman, Melatiah, Melchizedek, Melea, Melech, Memucan, Menahem, Meni, Menna, Meonenim, Meonothai, Merab, Meraiah, Merari, Mered, Meres, Meribbaal, Merodachbaladan, Meshach, Meshech, Meshelemiah, Meshillemith, Meshobab, Meshullemeth, Messiah, Methuselah, Methushael, Mezahab, Mibhar, Mibzar, Mica, Michal, Micri, Midian, Mikneiah, Milalai, Milcom, Mirmah, Misham, Mishmannah, Mispar, Mizraim, Mizzah, Mnason, Moab, Molech, Molid, Mordecai, Moriah, Moses, Muppim, Mushi, Myra, Naam, Naarah, Naarai, Nabal, Naboth, Nachon, Naggai, Naham, Nahamani, Naharai, Nahbi, Nahshon, Naomi, Naphish, Naphtali, Narcissus, Nathanael, Nathanmelech, Nazarene, Nazareth, Nebai, Nebaioth, Nebat, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebusarsekim, Nebushazban, Nebuzaradan, Necho, Nedabiah, Nehushta, Nekoda, Nereus, Nergal, Neri, Neriah, Neziah, Nezib, Nibhaz, Nicanor, Nicodemus, Nicolas, Niger, Nimrod, Nimshi, Nisroch, Nobah, Nod, Nogah, Nohah, Nun, Nympha, Obal, Obil, Ochran, Og, Ohad, Ohel, Oholah, Oholibah, Olympas, Omar, On, Onam, Onan, Onesimus, Onesiphorus, Ophir, Ophrah, Oreb, Oren, Orion, Orpah, Othni, Othniel, Ozni, Paarai, Padon, Pagiel, Pahathmoab, Palel, Pallu, Paltiel, Parmashta, Parmenas, Parnach, Parosh, Parshandatha, Paruah, Pasach, Patrobas, Paul, Paulus, Pedahel, Pedahzur, Pekah, Pekahiah, Pelaliah, Peleg, Peninnah, Peresh, Perez, Persis, Peruda, Peter, Pethuel, Peulthai, Phanuel, Phicol, Philemon, Philetus, Philologus, Phlegon, Phoebe, Phygelus, Pilate, Pildash, Pilha, Piltai, Pinon, Piram, Pispah, Pithon, Pocherethhazzebaim, Pollux, Pontius, Poratha, Porcius, Potiphar, Potiphera, Priscilla, Prochorus, Pua, Publius, Pudens, Pul, Purah, Put, Putiel, Pyrrhus, Quartus, Quirinus, Raamah, Raamiah, Rabmag, Rabsaris, Rabshakeh, Rachel, Raddai, Raham, Rakem, Ramiah, Rapha, Raphah, Raphu, Reba, Rebecca, Reelaiah, Regem, Regemmelech, Rehabiah, Rehoboam, Rei, Remaliah, Rephael, Rephah, Rephan, Resheph, Reu, Reuben, Reumah, Rezia, Rezon, Rhesa, Rhoda, Ribai, Rinnah, Riphath, Rizpah, Rodanim, Rohgah, Romamtiezer, Rosh, Ruhamah, Ruth, Sabtah, Sabtecha, Sachiah, Sallai, Salmon, Salu, Samgarnebo, Samlah, Samson, Sanballat, Saph, Sapphira, Sarah, Saraph, Sargon, Satan, Sceva, Seba, Secundus, Seir, Seled, Semachiah, Semein, Senaah, Sennacherib, Seorim, Serah, Sered, Sergius, Serug, Seth, Sethur, Shaashgaz, Shabbethai, Shaddai, Shadrach, Shage, Shaharaim, Shallun, Shalmai, Shalman, Shalmaneser, Shama, Shamed, Shamgar, Shamir, Shamma, Shamsherai, Shapham, Sharai, Sharar, Sharon, Shashai, Shashak, Shavsha, Sheal, Shealtiel, Sheariah, Shearjashub, Sheber, Shedeur, Shehariah, Sheleph, Shelesh, Shelomi, Shelumiel, Shem, Shemaah, Shemeber, Shemida, Shemuel, Shenazzar, Shepho, Shephuphan, Sherah, Sheresh, Sheshai, Sheshan, Sheshbazzar, Sheth, Shethar, Shetharbozenai, Shilhi, Shillem, Shiloh, Shilshah, Shimeah, Shimeath, Shimeon, Shimon, Shimrath, Shimrith, Shimron, Shimshai, Shinab, Shiphi, Shiphrah, Shiphtan, Shisha, Shishak, Shitrai, Shiza, Shobach, Shobai, Shobek, Shobi, Shoham, Shophach, Shual, Shuham, Shuni, Shupham, Shuppim, Sia, Sibbechai, Sidon, Sihon, Silas, Sisamai, Sithri, So, Soco, Sodi, Solomon, Sopater, Sophereth, Sosthenes, Sotai, Stachys, Stephanas, Stephen, Suah, Succothbenoth, Susanna, Susi, Syntyche, Tabbaoth, Tabitha, Tabrimon, Tahash, Tahpenes, Talitha, Talmon, Tammuz, Tanhumeth, Taphath, Tappuah, Tarea, Tartak, Tattenai, Tebah, Tebaliah, Tehinnah, Tekoa, Telah, Telem, Tema, Temah, Temeni, Terah, Teresh, Tertius, Tertullus, Thaddaeus, Theophilus, Theudas, Thomas, Tiberius, Tibni, Tidal, Tiglathpileser, Tilon, Timaeus, Timon, Timothy, Tiras, Tirhakah, Tirhanah, Tiria, Tirzah, Titius, Titus, Toah, Tobadonijah, Togarmah, Tohu, Toi, Trophimus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Tubal, Tubalcain, Tychicus, Tyrannus, Ucal, Uel, Ulla, Ur, Urban, Uzai, Uzal, Uzzah, Vaizatha, Vaniah, Vashni, Vashti, Vophsi, Yahweh, Zaavan, Zabbud, Zabud, Zaccai, Zacchaeus, Zaham, Zalaph, Zalmon, Zalmunna, Zanoah, Zaphenathpaneah, Zattu, Zaza, Zebah, Zebedee, Zebidah, Zebina, Zebul, Zebulun, Zeeb, Zelek, Zelophehad, Zemira, Zenas, Zepho, Zeresh, Zereth, Zeri, Zeror, Zeruah, Zerubbabel, Zeruiah, Zetham, Zethan, Zethar, Zeus, Zia, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah, Zillah, Zilpah, Zimran, Zion, Ziphah, Ziphion, Zippor, Zipporah, Zobebah, Zoheth, Zophah, Zophai, Zophar, Zuar, Zuph, Zuriel, Zurishaddai, The following shows: [the Name-> the Translation-> the Place in the Bible -> the Bible Pronunciation.
Lars Gren Obituary, Lonely Ghost Ambassador, Who Bought Out Conseco Finance Servicing Corp, 24 Hour Live Prophetic Prayer Line, Tisha Campbell Brother, Articles H